Friday, January 18, 2008

Pete Wentz took all the clever names soo...

here are my latest obsession/ fascinations.

Obsession #1

besides the fact that its EVERYWHERE its really good.
Carmel apple cider with Cinnamon please :] i don't like coffee so its kinda weird to be obsessed with Starbucks and not even like coffee. but whatevvvaaa


Obsession #2

Sticky Hands= THE most fun ever for a Quarter er Two.

these work best when trying to annoy your brother.

snap it just right and it feels like a real slap. then after you hit 'em stuff the sticky hand in your pocket and act like you were doing something else. just remember to wash off the pocket fuzz so they stay sticky


Obsession #3
no its not Brendon (although he'd be hella cool to hang out with I think) its Hoodies. these things are The most comfortable things on the entire planet..well except for strawberry shortcake Pj pants but still..they are especially awesome for when your sick..and watching scary movies..and just chillin really.

so yeah I'm definately not done.. I'm just hella tired. there'll be more to this keep youe eyes pealed.
i just always wanted to say that.
ExOh kiddies
"shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you'll land among the stars"

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